
Showing posts from 2013

I am Proud of my kids

I am proud of my kids several times a day, every day. This isn't to say that I'm also not disappointed or frustrated with them from time to time, but I am ALWAYS proud of them, here's why: I am proud of my daughter not for the A she brought home on her social studies test, but for her interest in learning about our state, and her willingness to study hard so that she can do her best. I am proud of my son for taking responsibility for hitting another child, and accepting his consequences by spending the day with the principal without once begging not to have to do it and without tears. I am proud of my daughter for  making up with her friend and forgiving the past and moving forward. I am proud of my son for yelling, "I'm frustrated, " when he was angry with me, instead of throwing things across his room. I am proud of my daughter when she makes cards for her cousins who lost their father much too early in their lives. I am proud of my son when he ...